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Join Us: Join Us

What to Expect on a Sunday Morning when you arrive:

You can park anywhere along the front of the church or in our parking lot to the right of the church. We also have parking along Church Street; there are reserved spaces for Handicap parking in front of the church building.

When you enter the front church doors you will be greeted by our Sunday morning hosts and our pastor. You will receive a program of the day’s worship service and upcoming events. You can enter the Sanctuary (worship room) through the left or the right doors.  At the side lobby entrance, the sanctuary is to the right, through the double doors.

Our worship service begins at 10:00 a.m. and lasts about an hour.   This service includes a practical Bible-based sermon, hymns to sing, prayers and responses, which we read together out of the printed program, and a time to share prayer concerns. This service also includes an interactive children’s sermon. During our worship gathering, children preschool to six years of age may leave for a Christian arts Sunday School program. There is also nursery care for toddler-aged children.

Our worship space is traditional looking and comfortable. We tend to be informal. There is no ‘dress code’ so you’re invited to wear what will be most comfortable for you.  The space seats about 125 people.

We celebrate the Lord’s Supper (Communion, Eucharist) the first Sunday of the month and you are welcome to participate. We serve the bread and grape juice at the Communion table. People are invited to come up front and take a piece of bread and dip it in the chalice. There are other occasions when the bread and juice are distributed when we sit in the pew.

You can also join us after worship in the Fireplace Room for a time of coffee and refreshments. We have punch and cookies for the children. The Fireplace Room in on the first floor of the building behind the Sanctuary and is accessed out the door on the left side towards the front of the Sanctuary.

There are a variety of brochures by both entrances that explain the programs and ministries of Covenant United Church of Christ. We also have newsletters, devotional magazines, and children’s material, too. Please help yourself.

Please note that there are stairs at all entrances to the building; we are handicap accessible with the use of a chairlift for both the upper and lower levels of our building.

4449 Main Street   |   Gasport, NY 14067

©2021 by Covenant United Church of Christ.

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